We’re a brand and a community. Not a gas provider.
You Join Zapsta. You don’t register, sign-up or create an account.
We have Authentication Codes as a secondary security layer on stickers and tags.
We have Confirmation Codes to verify things like your email address or to confirm major actions like a change of address and payment details. This may feel annoying to some, however it’s a really simple way of keeping your data secure – and that’s what counts.
We don’t have accounts or sign ups:
You Join for a profile.
You buy a Tag that suits your needs.
You Tap the tag to awaken it.
We use NFC* to sense the Tag ID (front of product), or you type in the ID if you’re using a desktop / non NFC enabled device.
You input the Authentication Code printed on the packet or on the back of the product. This is a security measure - without it nobody can register, take over or edit your tags. Destroy it after use because you won’t need it again, and we’ll never ask you for it.